Course Policies

Table of contents

  1. Plagiarism
  2. AI Assistance
  3. Missed Labs
  4. Re-Grading
  5. Marking and Evaluation


Plagiarism will not be tolerated; in particular, you and your lab partner are jointly responsible for ensuring that your submitted lab work is original work. We will be using automated tools to check for plagiarism among submissions from the class and other sources.

AI Assistance

We encourage students to explore the possiblity of artificial inteligence and use generative AI tools. If you use AI assistance and submit code or other assignments, you need to claim in the submitted documents and specify which part is AI-generated, even after manual modifications upon the generated content.

Missed Labs

You will have a minimum of two weeks to do any labs – so a couple of sick days will not be accepted as grounds for special consideration. Nevertheless, if for some valid reason you are unable to submit the lab on time or hand in an assignment, please provide an explanation and appropriate documentation (for example, a doctor’s note).


Everybody makes mistakes, including TAs and the instructor! If you feel that there has been a grading mistake, you can request a regrade within one week of the lab results being returned. You should submit a short note explaining which questions are in error and why you think you deserve a regrade. A TA or the instructor will regrade the entire lab. (Therefore, you should be sure that there has been a significant mistake, or you may very well end up with a lower grade on your assignment.)

Marking and Evaluation

The details of the mid-term test and final exam time will be provided in class and on the web site closer to the dates. The composition of the final mark is as follows:

Labs: 30% Mid-Term Test: 30% Final Exam: 40%

University of Toronto ECE 568 Website for Fall 2023